Auto- ja kuljetusalan Työntekijäliiton AKT:n lakon vaikutukset Stén-konsernissa
The size and turnover of the Stén Group have grown over the decades. As the Group has grown, we have recognised the need to change our structure to reflect our expanded business and growth strategy. The reorganisation aims to streamline the Group’s structure and develop its business. We are committed to remaining a reliable partner.
As a result of business development, the business ID of Kimet Oy will change. Mercasteel Oy,acquired in March, will be merged with Kimet Oy.
The changes enter into force on September 1, 2023. Please address all invoices for August to the existing companies.
The changes will not impact the contact persons and their contact details.
Kimet Oy
Business ID: 3363837-7
VAT: FI33638377
IBAN: FI72 5092 1220 0935 00
You can send the invoice by email:
Stén & Co Oy Ab (GROUP)
Business ID: 0114140-3
VAT: FI01141403
IBAN: FI82 5780 0720 6808 13